Another Focus

When I started this Blog, I wanted to shed light on the challenges and joys of owning and training a rescue horse. My daughter’s horse, Model, is a rescue horse. When you look at Model’s photo, when she first arrived, you can see how underweight and frightened she was.
Model has made a great deal of progress since her adoption last year. She is now at her proper weight and is achieving many milestones in her training. My strategy in writing this Blog was to increase awareness of the hundreds of horses, like Model, who are waiting for love, support, adoption. So I started posting on topics such as training and grooming and our overall experiences with Model.
My focus in writing this Blog has started to change. The more I read about the problems facing horse rescue groups and cases of abandoned and abused horses, the more I began to think about the meaning of the Blog’s title, A Horse Like Model. I know that Model is loved and her everyday needs are being met. But I am saddened by the flight of other horses, like Model, who are still in rescue shelters and in need for adoption. I am frustrated about the neglected and abused horses that are falling victim to the economic climate we are facing. I have decided to spend more time focusing on the needs of rescue organizations and ways to advocate on behalf of horses in need of adoption and financial support.
I am not sure of the solutions, but I want to do what ever I can to improve the lives of these horses. I think this refocus will meet with Model’s approval.
Labels: Rescue