More About Model

Model is a Tennessee Walking Horse. She is a rescue horse from Alabama. She was found on a ranch owned by an indivudal who could not care for her because of a physical injury. When Model was brought to Georgia, she had limited contact with humans and was greatly underweight for her age.
Rasheeda bought her in May, 2006 with hopes of training her. Model has made tremendous progress since moving to her new home in Georgia. She can now lead with a rope, back up, and lift all four feet. She is responding well to groundwork training.
Model is now one and a half years old. Rasheeda talks constantly about the potential she sees in Model.
Model represents the love and potential that can be realized by adoption of a recuse horse. Since becoming part of the family, the budget for her care and training is regularly updated.
We will share more about the efforts of horse rescue agencies and financial considerations of owning a horse in the next post.
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